catching up again
Remember little baby Jake? He was the baby on the striped couch with the fuzzy teddy bear. Well, that was almost two years ago. Here he is again, joined by little brother Henry. We also did a reprise of the previous setting with Henry.

Sisters Olivia and Victoria

Mom and dad, very much in love.

The entire family!
Savario and GusGus

Little Mia - doesn't she look like a perfect cherub?

The kids with mom Amanda.

Welcome to Imajing, Vanessa and Mark - looking forward to your August wedding!

But first, there is Joanne and Mark in July...

And on a completely unrelated note from families and couples, we have young Reema. The styling team of Artisan Raw brought me on for this amazing shoot this past Monday. The settings, all along Queen West were truly inspired and the hair and makeup team of Candice and Lisa made it easy for me.

This was in an overgrown back backyard adjacent to a parking lot. There was also a mysterious stink coming from the weeds. Ew.

Glammed up at Cartel clothing store.

The finale, at a place called the Bomb Shelter. We were all so tired by this point but were all still so inspired by each other and the new setting. Lovin' it.
Family portrait highlights
When it's not wedding time, it's family portrait time! I've been lucky to get just enough great weather to capture these families at their best. Coincidentally, I also showed up for the last two family portrait sessions dressed in the exact same colour scheme as the families I was shooting. Completely unplanned - I guess that just shows how in sync we were to be that day!
Welcome back Perun and Noah, who both just turned one. And welcome to the Law's who received their family portrait session as a Christmas gift from their sister Karen, a elementary school classmate of mine! (Yes, this is another case of a facebook enabled reunion).

This is Noah melting. I love this photo, he just looks so fed up. He did great though, lasting for as long as most older kids last, which is about 40-50 minutes.

What's so funny? The two boys were playing 'photographer's assistant' and providing all sorts of funny faces and antics to keep the grown-ups laughing.

Gertrude and Six
Our dog Six, finally gets to be on the receiving end of puppy mischief and antics. Darius the cat makes an appearance too.
Art Institute of Toronto class of Spring08
Thanks again to James, Cameron, Angela and the fashion program students. The models you provided were great it was lots of fun to venture beyond the white backdrop today!

Laura & Paul
Congratulations! Laura and Paul had all the details thought out - from handmade wedding bands they made for each other, to a crocheted huppah made jointly by their mothers, their wedding certainly lived up to their 'casually elegant' billing.
I am pretty tired after my two wedding weekend so I'll just these photos speak for me. Check back later this week under Recent Weddings for photos from both days.

Jennifer & Eric
Congratulations Jen and Eric!
It was supposed to be a rainy weekend but both weddings I photographed this weekend had sun and blue skies. Jen and Eric did experience a few drops just as they finished signing the registry but as you can see, that didn't last long!
It was so much fun to hang out with this great couple. *high five*!