Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Busy February

It's been a while since I've last posted! This month has been jam packed, not only have I been meeting with lots of brides and grroms about their 2007 weddings, but I've also been working the last (but most intense) month of what I've been calling my 'winter job'. As you know, I've been doing some work for GuluWalk ( and last Thursday, February 22 was the inaugural gala event.

I'm happy to report that the event was a great success and that I survived! I'll be picking up the rest of the events photos today (courtesy of Lini Campbell photography). There were 270 people in attendance, tons of great live auction and silent auction prizes, keynote speech from former UN ambassador Allan Rock and great music from Donne Roberts of African Guitar Summit.

And, we raised $50,000 from the event!

The team effort was amazing - Martha, Jackie and Christina were volunteers that really led the effort. All the event volunteers, especially Bonnie and Monique (the brain trust!) were invaluable. And our auctioneer, Kirill really topped it off. Yeah us! The original logo and icon is by Allen Ford, and he and Adrian gave me the freedom to play with the design and layout of the final products. Below is the menu and a few pages from the souvenir program.

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